You never lose if you have the right attitude; you can only either win or learn  
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Things I've learned and attitudes I've formed

The following may not actually be "words of wisdom" because everyone has to live their lives in the way which is best for them. It's hard to learn from 'second-hand' experience.

I've made mistakes over the years and I've enjoyed more than my share of good fortune too. I've had ups and I've had downs; I've formed opinions about what works for ME. If some of the following works for others then that's great but usually, you can't benefit from the wisdom of others; you have to make your own mistakes, have your own experiences, live your own life and hone it over time. It's a truly stupid Man who doesn't learn from his mistakes but it's harder to learn from the mistakes of others. That's why war and conflict will never end; it's why people aren't consistently content. Maybe being unhappy, unsettled and constantly striving for more is the Human condition; an evolutionary imperative if you will, That makes perfect sense to me and it allows me to (almost) forgive the behaviour of many of my fellow Human Beings.

I've evolved to a point where I'm largely happy. I understand the people and the world around me. I 'know' Human nature and Man's faults (and qualities). I see why the Universe is seemingly random and imperfect up close but makes perfect sense from a distance.

I will continue to learn and evolve until the day I die. I am not yet the finished article.

Here are just a few random thoughts............

It's always better to ask for forgiveness than permission.

I never lose. I can only either win or learn.

Do what you need to do in Life to be as happy as you can and to feel good about yourself - without hurting anyone along the way. Self-image and internal self-assuredness will always trump Facebook 'likes' and the opinions of others. Develop the strength of character to like yourself even when those around you can't see your qualities. But don't just live your life in pursuit of happiness. You have no inherent right to be 'happy'. Try instead to make your life worthwhile. Affect the lives of others in a positive way and you will find peace.

Never trust anyone in uniform (especially coppers!), politicians, anyone with a double-barrelled name, or priests, preachers, religious leaders and any men of the cloth. Those in authority usually, through self-interest, cannot apply that authority with total fairness; the priviledged and affluent are usually less moral and trustworthy than their poorer counterparts; anyone who professes to have the inside track on goodness, the afterlife, god's plan or divine reward/retribution should be given a wide berth.

Foreplay begins right after the last orgasm.

I’m not a ‘turn-the-other-cheek’ sort of a guy. I will try to be a nice person and treat people with respect and always try to put myself in their position.....UNTIL they fuck me over and then, however long it takes, retribution will follow..

It’s never too late to start trying to be the Man I want to be. We are all work-in-progress until the day we die. There is no reason not to improve every day. Be the best version of yourself that you can but don’t worry about what you’re not; use what you’ve got..

A man, at the end of his life, is not meaningfully measured by the money in his bank, nor the material things he’s accumulated. A man, in his soul, is the sum of his experiences. Money can be won or lost but no-one can take away an experience, a love, a pleasure or an adventure. No-one can undo the positive legacy that you can leave with those you love and those you connect with through your short time in this life. Everyone dies eventually but not everyone lives while they're here. .

The most important thing you can achieve in life is to simply be yourself. The most difficult thing in life is to figure out who you are and what you're here for.

I am now beyond embarrassment in this life and I’m happier as a result. We are all too preoccupied with not looking silly and with what other people think about us. I’ve spent the first half of my life being shy and reticent and fearful of the the judgement of others. I now realise that my own self-image is what’s most important to my happiness and peace of mind and that EVERYONE is flawed, imperfect and unbalanced to some extent and consequently NO-ONE has the right to judge me. Absolutely no-one. Not God, nor governments nor self-appointed, pompous, moral guardians (most of whom are fucking hypocrites). There are no rules but those I make for myself.

Do you believe in God? Do you believe in the Devil?
They don't exist. There is only one thing of substance and that is the Universe. It has been here for ever, it will continue forever. It lives. It underpins everything. It is all around us. It's unfathomable. It is 'God' if you will.
The Universe is a field of energy. Positive and negative. In balance. We feel that intuitively. The evidence is all around us. That vague concept has been embraced in many belief structures. Yin and Yang, black and white, good and evil, ones and zeros in binary code. Some might characterise the negative as the devil or evil but that's too absolute and simplistic a way of describing it. That's like someone who likes Summer regarding Winter as 'evil'. The positive requires the negative to exist. To create balance.
The balance is everywhere even if it's not always apparent. Along with the balance there is rhythm and repetition and regeneration. Day following night, the seasons, the orbit of planets, the spiralling of galaxies, the life cycle of a flower. Birth and death. The constant reordering of particles in the Universe is endless.
Life exists in an infinite number of forms some of which have not yet shown themselves but it is simply the temporary bringing together of particles by the energy in the Universe. It isn't random although it seems it. The symmetry of how the Universe works can't easily be seen from up close. It's scale is boundless. But the symmetry is there. A Divine Plan if you will.
All life is the same. From the smallest microbe to the highest intelligence. We're all made of the same particles. We are all connected. We know all about the Universe because we are it. But we don't know we know. There's just a vague imprint in each reordered particle that results in the genetic psychosis which manifests as conventional religious belief. It's just us trying to understand and remember what we know and we know it because every life form, every piece of matter, every atom, every particle is a microcosm of the Universe itself. You are the Universe. I am the Universe. We all are. So is the chair I'm sat on and the planet I'm spinning on.
There's a fluidity to the Universe. It's not totally random. It's not chaotic - although again, at short focus it might appear to be chaos. The fluidity and the general path might be likened to Fate or Karma but it's like a droplet of water flowing down a stream - the general direction is all but inevitable but the position in the flow is not.
This is where it gets interesting. Because we are particles held together by Universal forces and because each particle itself is a microcosm of the Universe, we are all Universal energy. I am Universal energy. I know and can control everything because I AM the Universe. I am not part of the constant. I am the constant. Because of that, it is possible for me to change the way the particles around me flow, like individual water drops, down the stream. It's difficult and the easy option is to let things just take their course. But if that happens then it was always meant to. However, ‘Fate’ as such doesn't exist. What lies before us is an infinite variety of possibilities and any of those possibilities can become what we think of as reality.
Einstein said that it was possible to "re-order the particles in your Universe" to make your world the way you want it. I suspect he was poking gentle fun but he was closer to the truth than he would ever believe. Or perhaps he knew?
All particles can connect with each other wherever they are in the universe. Normally, at a given time, a particle can only be connected - ‘quantum entangled’ - to one other particle. It's called quantum monogamy. But if each particle potentially has a path to each and every other particle in the Universe, then it can be multi connected as the connections are all taking place at a different point in space-time. That means all of the infinite permutations of how particles combine and react are already happening. Every single event that could conceivably ever happen is already happening simultaneously at this very moment. Mind blown yet??
Anything and everything is possible Boys and Girls; anything and everything.


More to follow............