Imperial War Museum  
Charity Event for Marie Curie Cancer Care
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Sunday 12th October 2008

Marie Curie Cancer Care organise a number of fund-raising events each year and this year we (Paul Squires & Paul Yates) decided to join in and participate in a zip-wire jump from the top of the Imperial War Museum North's building in Trafford, Manchester.

Opening at the top of the building. This is usually a closed viewing platform but they removed some panels.

The event was to take place over two days - Saturday and Sunday - and our slot was 2pm on the Sunday. We were quite lucky with the weather as there was no wind or rain and it even started sunshining at one point!

The charity is a very worthy cause and we were honoured to take part in raising funds for Marie Curie Cancer Care ( see )

There's no real danger involved as the harness which fastens the 'jumpers' to the zipwire is very secure and, as is usual in this day and age of health & safety, plastic helmets are worn by all participants although I find it difficult to understand why (falling meteors, perhaps?!?). The whole thing is so stage-managed that you could safely have your Granny do it. Nevertheless, there's still a little bit of excitment as you step out over the edge as the top of the Imperial War Museum building is a long way up! I had a bit of fun by sellotaping a camera to my helmet and setting it to video on the way down and you get the best out of the 'zip' by letting go of the rope attaching you to the wire and making a star shape or waving your arms and legs around. It's a bit like standing up and putting your arms in the air on a rollercoaster - it just feels like you're going faster.

Me at the start of the Zip

As we were waiting to jump, the Announcer started to refer to us as "Big Paul and Small Paul" - not really a monicker either of us wants to stick! Paul Y (Small Paul) went out first and I think that when the Announcer fanfared that "Big Paul" was next, people expected to see a 27 stone, fat bastard waddling out and breaking the wire. Sorry to disappoint you,folks - I'm still underweight from my recent Marathon (see Anglesey Marathon).

Our Wives waited patiently for us on the ground and acted as film crew to get some video shots. Those girls certainly need to be patient with self-indulgent Husbands like us!

Looking pleased with myself after the Zip - I want to do it again!

All too soon it was over and the first thing you want to do is have another go but that's not allowed so we'll have to wait until next year. Marie Curie organize a number of adventure / activity fundraisers and we may well have a go at one or two different events as it is a great excuse to indulge oneself in hazardous pursuits whilst doing something worthwhile by raising funds for a needy cause.

Paul S & Paul Y after the Zip

Paul S & Paul Y after the ZipImperial War Museum North building

This girl was trying to hold up her pants all the way down!

Videos - click to download (may take quite some time as they're large files)

PS ZIP (mov file)

PY ZIP (mov file)


  © Broken Wing Aviation 2008