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"One word frees us from all the weight and pain of life:

that word is love."


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In no particular order.....

Pizza, red wine and a film on DVD

Nothing beats Sunday night pizza and a good film.


The smell of a baby's hair

A baby's purity is cleansing



They'll always love you even when your behaviour should make them hate you.


Sex (obviously!)

....with the woman you have loved for a lifetime and are still turned on by, it's hard to surpass.


Sci-Fi. Stop looking back; look forward as far as your mind can stretch


Winning an argument

Usually, you can't win an argument as people are so entrenched in their views - but just occasionally, if you debate passionately enough about a particular subject you can see the light dawning in their eyes and.... you've made a difference in the World.


Losing an argument

I'd like to think I'm open-minded (but the older I get the harder it is to lay claim to that attribute). If someone can get me thinking about something in a way which challenges my preconceptions, that opens a previously closed pathway, that's got to be good.


The way some music and lyrics give me goosebumps


Waking up on Saturday morning and realising I don't have to go to work


The sight, sound and smell of a steam train or a classic aeroplane piston engine


Seafood and a chilled bottle of Rosado at a Spanish beach restaurant


The complexity of the Universe

and the feeling of insignificance and humility which comes from knowing that we'll never have all the answers.Thinking about that eventually gets my feet back on the ground when (as is often the case, I'm told) I get a bit up my own arse..


The thrill of going fast

Cars, planes, motorbikes, freefall. Everyone should try it.


More things I love...

There's lots more that I love. I've just not had the time to write it down yet but I will do soon....